X Jornadas IET

“Condiciones de trabajo y empleo. Una mirada a las administraciones públicas”

On 4 February, the 10th IET Conference was held under the title “Condiciones de trabajo y empleo. Una mirada a las administraciones públicas” (Working conditions and employment. A look at public administrations) took place in the Plenary Hall of the Consell de Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya (CTESC).

The event, which could also be followed online through the Youtube platform, addressed the challenges arising from the pandemic in the field of work and employment. In a transversal and multidisciplinary way, the different speakers took stock of the psychosocial risks presented by workers, approaching employment in the long-term care sector and assessing the risks and possible benefits of teleworking and disconnection. In particular, the aim was to focus on employment in the public sector and its evolution, under the prism of recent Spanish employment stabilisation measures, in an EU perspective.

The first round table, moderated by Oscar Molina, was attended by Albert Navarro and Alejandro Godino, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Amanda Moreno, from the Carlos III University.

The second round table, more focused on public employment, was moderated by Helena Ysàs, and had as speakers Miguel Ángel García Calavia, from the Universitat de València, Xavier Boltaina from the Universitat de Barcelona and Ignasi Beltrán from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 

Professor Eduardo Rojo was closing the conference.
